Unitarian Universalist Community Church
Santa Monica, California | 9,000 sq. ft. | Status: Completed - August 2010
Pickett Design Associates began the renovations of this well-established church in the heart of Santa Monica in 2002. The original project involved the move of one building, a classic California Bungalow, to an alternate location on the property and the loving restoration of this bungalow to house the thriving Religious Education program. Currently, the Sanctuary, a 1929 Spanish Revival, is being upgraded to current life-safety codes. In addition, major renovations are underway in the Forbes Hall Fellowship center. The challenge for this ongoing project is to have buildings of varying styles integrate and work together. In addition, the church community is committed to ongoing sustainability initiatives; therefore, our mandate is to select rapidly renewable building materials as much as possible on the project. Our selections include: linoleum, FSC certified wood, energy star appliances, reduced energy lighting, zero-VOC paints, and materials using high percentages of post consumer and post industrial recycled content. All materials were selected using this criteria as well as aesthetic appeal and durability.